My day has been like a ride on a rollercoaster. I got up quite early to finish some work I had been putting off. I didn´t mind getting up early. The house is alwasys very quiet at 5 am and I have time to plan my day ahead. I left home as usual but driving and I got stuck in the rush hour. It might have been an accident because we didn´t move for at least ten minutes. I phone my school to tell I was going to be late. Inside the car I felt like an ant, like a water molecule in the sea, like a very small insect. I really hate traffic jams and detest being late for work.Ten minutes after the first class began I got to my high school feeling down but one of my students greeted me with a big smile in her face and I felt better. Then the rest of the classes went on smoothly. After the Easter break we are starting the third term and my goal is to get my students back to work at the right pace. I am a bit stressed because my junior classes have many underachievers who are just happy and not worried about their results. In Spain, Bachillerato students in state schools are allowed to repeat and stay as Juniors por another year. In one of the classes I have students over seventen when they should be Seniors. They get low marks but they haven´t made any effort in order to change the situation. After classes I went to my parents¨flat and had lunch on my own because I usually finish classes at twenty past two and it takes me half an hour to drive to my parents´. So when I got there it was half past three. My father´s surgical operation has been a success and he is recovering fast. My mother is not so well because her heart has been damaged somehow and... this makes me anxious, sometimes sad. Today I have not eaten diet food. Though dieting is very important to me right now. I need too things badly: my piece of mind and loosing the few extra pounds that are stealing my energy and drive. I want to fly not to limp.
In the evening I decided to use some saving coupons to invest in cosmetics and hurry to get there in time. I failed, when I arrived it was alreadly closed so I changed my mind and went shopping for a good read. I love "La casa del Libro", a big book shop near my place. I bought :
The summer without men, by Siri Hustvedt
(quite promising)
In the evening I decided to use some saving coupons to invest in cosmetics and hurry to get there in time. I failed, when I arrived it was alreadly closed so I changed my mind and went shopping for a good read. I love "La casa del Libro", a big book shop near my place. I bought :
The summer without men, by Siri Hustvedt
(quite promising)
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