domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014

Pride and Prejudice Clutch1

"The person,
be it gentleman
 or lady,
 who has not pleasure
 in a good novel,
must be intolerably stupid."
Jane Austen
"I declare after all
 there is no enjoyment like reading!
How much sooner one tires
of any thing than of a book! --
When I have a house of my own,
 I shall be miserable
 if I have not an excellent library.” 
Jane Austen
When I saw this wonderful clutch
which looks like the book "Pride and Prejudice"
I fell for it!!!
 I just thought: "It has to be mine,
at once".
I bought it on-line
the next minute
and after 4 days it was delivered
and now it is truly mine
to carry around.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Thowback Thursday

Throwback Thursday
When you put a picture from a "while" ago on your social media sites
on Throwback Thursday, I need a find a photo of myself from like hell of long ago and post it on facebook .

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014

Victorian ladies

Cuando miro los colores de este vestidito medio hippy
me hace pensar en una película sobre un libro
de Jane Austen, "Sentido y Sensibilidad"
o "Persuasión".

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

Blog your curves

Estoy contentísima con mi camiseta,
la  que gané en el sorteo
de "Agárrate que vienen curvas", el
blog de Eli
Y aunque el tiempo está frío he pensado
hacerme una foto con ella.
Creo que camiseta,
camisa vaquera
y parka militar combinan
para un look comfortable & casual.