domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Red-haired in trousers

 Katharine Hepburn:

A woman who liked wearing trousers, shirts and jackets. Beautiful with long or short hair.

Slim, tall and athletic.

A sportswoman.

In her films some of the characters she impersonates are independent, smart, good professional and attractive women.

Famous for her casual style, she dressed like many young women would like to be dressing.

When she wanted to seduce she surely did using her very expressive eyes in which you could percieve a great intelligence and something else, like a bright flame ( there is a film with this title).

Funny and hilarious in her dialogues.

La propuesta de Miu Miu ( MIUCCIA PRADA) para este otoño son los trajes de chaqueta de colores vivos, combinados con camisas estampadas y con zapatos de plataforma estilo años 70. 

Con cierto aire retro, la diseñadora explica que no se ha inspirado en modas pasadas, sino que intenta pensar en el futuro. El estilo masculino domina la colección, con muy pocas faldas, se echa un poco de menos la femineidad. Para mujeres jóvenes delgadíssimas que puedan parecer jovencitos, algo andróginas y con mucho dinero.

Como todo los estampados hay que tenerles respeto aunque para un total look la primera imagen me parece electrizante. Yo me compraría un super pañuelo o fular con estos estampados e intentaría  revitalizar mi sosérrimo ropero. Sniff, sniff....a hankerchief, please.

Cuando Blummel dictaba normas de la elegancia a los jovenes nobles o dandies en la Inglaterra victoriana le habría encantado viajar en el tiempo y poder comprar  los trajes de chaqueta de esta colección. Casi estoy segura de que serían el furor en los bailes elegantes. I only have to close my eyes and imagine how the young lords, the so called dandies, Blummel´s followers  would fall for these printed and colourful suits. The imge is quite vivid in my mind´s eye.

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Porque sea diciembre y haga frio no hay que hacer el vago. No quiero ganar peso después de estar esforzándome mas de 5 meses. Por fin he perdido 13 kilos y aún tengo que perder más. En la red encontré consejos que he fundido con otros de mi cosecha para no tener que lamentarme en Enero.



December is here! Christmas holidays!It is very cold, holidays are around the corner, the festive decorations are up, party planning is in effect. With all the craziness going on throughout the winter such as shopping, drinks, sweets, holiday and office parties, I lose time for something so important to me: exercise. With so much happening, I lose all desire and motivation for exercise and being active. The cold winter leaves me wanting to stay wrapped in comfy sweaters, drinking warm lattes, and curling up in bed with a good book. I mean, really, if I have those things, WHY would I want to walk for an hour? Walking? No thanks, I’ll just lay here eating unhealthy.
This year, I am going to find the motivation to not quit. Going out and walking for an hour, eating healthy; these are the things that are important to me all year long. Why do we let ourselves become lazy and unmotivated? Why wait until the New Year for motivation? Let’s do it now!

Yes, it’s winter, but that’s no excuse to give exercise the cold shoulder! Here are a few things that will keep me ambitious during the cold months of the year instead of laying in a slump with some "turrón" or some "polvorones"(grasa pura, colesterol en vena)

-Put on a new pair of running sneakers to show off while walking. 

- Try out different circuits with more difficulty if possible. You may go trekking, Navacerrada or El Escorial are not so far away, it may be snowy but the air will be fresh, your lungs will feel new again.

-Write on desk calendar  the time you will be exercising so you will  feel committed to going. Invite friends. 

-Make a new playlist on ipod. There’s nothing like upbeat tempos and motivational lyrics to get me going!

-Set an alarm on my cell phone every day for exercise, this constant reminder will keep me committed and not bail.

-Tape a photo on the refrigerator, of myself when I looked my best, or a celebrity body I dream of having.

-Make small goals for myself weekly. Example: If I go to the gym every day this week, I will reward myself with a small gift. (a manicure, magazine, new booties!)

sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012

Michaela Colin, alias Angela en Bones

 Si eres fan de la serie te pasará como a mí, además de admirar los trajes de chaqueta Temperance, te encantará el estilo de Ángela, entre hippy y bohemio.
Aquí he puesto algunas fotos de la actriz cuando se viste un poco más.

Su belleza mestiza le permite ponerse ropa informal, bohemia y hasta étnica: casi todo le queda bien.

Le Chateau